Now Playing (This will show audio content from any iPhone app similar to iOS’s Control Center).News+ (Listen to audio stories for Apple News subscribers).Messages (Create, read, reply over Siri).Maps (Search, POI’s, Navigation, Nearby, Lane Guidance, ETA sharing).Phone (Favorites, Recents, Contacts, Keypad, Voicemail).iTunes Extras requires OS X 10.10.3 or above.The availability of Apple Music, Apple Music Radio, iTunes on the cloud and iTunes Match varies depending on the country.Requires at least 400 MB of free space.This download requires Mac OS X 10.9.5 or above.Get hold of the corresponding version right now and enjoy the best multimedia contents without leaving your house, download iTunes for free. You'll have access to your collection from wherever you are. iCloud can synchronize the material between your computer and Apple's mobile devices. Make the most of the integration with iCloud to have all the material on any device. The different views of the library will make your browsing much more fluid and intuitive.Ī new design that you have never had the chance to view. Regarding previous versions, the current iTunes has a smaller player so that content becomes the main feature.

Receive customized recommendations.Īpple has completely redesigned the interface of iTunes.

It also includes the App Store, Apple's official store, and it's essential if you use an iOS device such as an iPhone or an iPod.Īll your music, movies and apps in the same place. ITunes is the multimedia player by Apple, the core of the entertainment on your Mac, as well as behaving like a complete content organizer and cataloger for music, videos, books, applications.